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Function plugin: HDR, combine several pictures taking at different exposure levels

The free function plugin "HDR" for cPicture can combine several pictures taking at
different exposure levels using the "enfuse" program.

No complicated settings and fully automated. Unlike different complicated HDR software,
you only select the pictures and the plugin is doing the rest.

In the following example the first picture is correctly exposed for the interior,
but leaves the bright window areas over exposed.
The second picture is correctly exposed for the window area but leaves the interior under exposed.

The function plugin "HDR" combines the two pictures to create a
single picture with correctly exposed areas:

+     =   

To create a combined picture:

  1. Select the individual pictures with the different exposure levels:

  2. Select the function plugin "HDR" from the menu in cPicture:

  3. Confirm the settings and click "OK":

  4. The output of "enfuse" is displayed in the console window:

    Click "OK" to close the window.
    The combined picture is created and will be displayed in cPicture as a new picture.


Download the plugin from (english version) or (italian version)
Enfuse is a open source project and distributed as free software and can be downloaded from
Unpack enfuse.exe from the enblend package and copy cpp_hdr.dll and enfuse.exe in the same folder where you copied cPicture.exe.